
Finding platinum in space engineers
Finding platinum in space engineers

finding platinum in space engineers

80 Plus Platinum certified ensures to deliver 92% efficiency at 50% load. When I get home this weekend I'll be making my way to the moon to try and find Platinum and Uranium. Textures\GUI\Icons\ingot\platinum_ That is really cool. Contribute to KeenSoftwareHouse/SpaceEngineers development by creating an account on GitHub. space engineers ore detector space engineers spawn asteroids with orespace engineers platinum How did you guys find platinum? I have about 20 asteroids marked with GPS, and of those (around) 20 only 2 have platinum.

finding platinum in space engineers

Replying to it, just made my ship suitable for moon landings. Patch Engineer will look for some known SAP unsupported configurations that may prevent Platinum. He is passionate about research on automation and robotics to solve. He is the youngest professor in Việt Nam working in the mechanical engineering field. Space Engineers How to Find Uranium and Platinum Without Mods gday guys welcome back to the channel and welcome back for another space engineers video. There are also these rocky boulders that are on the surface itself which used to contain all of the ores other than gold and platinum, but now. I've flown around a bit in my scout ship in the snowy areas and still haven't found any platinum ore. Can't find platinum on planets HELP self. The bit that I cannot get my head around is the economics of it: The more platinum they try to bring down from space the lower the price. Kurazarrh Apprentice Engineer Platinum ore cannot be found, but there actually is a way to get platinum if you're on a planet. This ore can not be found on planets, however, it can be found on the moon or asteroids.

finding platinum in space engineers

Some months back i started to paly on earth, made nice small hauler so I went off to neighbouring asteroids to find Platinum.

finding platinum in space engineers

Never had to fly more than 10 kilometers from my base to find platinum, and almost. I tend to have much more luck on the moon wiht platinum. The ore itself is similar in texture to Silver Ore, and barely visible in space from a distance. Platinum Ore is a very rare, naturally occurring ore. › spaceengineers › comments › borlpu › psa_finding_plat.

Finding platinum in space engineers